sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2013

Genta's friend does not speak chinese

Genta is worried about China, extremely so. To some extent enveryone is. One argument i dont buy which has been put forth by these more pessimistic economists is that Chinas BC cant lower rates if push really comes to shove. They say China BC has its hands tied because of rising property prices. But why cant the CB cut rates and simultaneously impose regulatory restrictions on the housing market, on mortgage loans? It sure can!

Genta has a very close friend who travels frequently to China in order to understand the contry better. This old fellow is pessimistic and he has influenced young Genta. But boy, he does not speak chinese. I do. He probably misunderstood what they told him (in case he really did go there)

Um comentário:

  1. Genta quer contratar chinesas a custo zero e está espalhando pessimismo. A China tem mais instrumentos do que qualquer outro emergente e ainda tem uma montanha de dólares.
    No way, Genta. Contrata tailandesas mesmo por enquanto.
