sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013

Endogenous regressions

Why cant i too run regressions in which explanatory variables are endogenous?
Mine is superior to Pastore's: i have one exogenous regressor!
Real long term rates in Brasil against long term treasuries and domestic risk (yes this is endogenous to interest rates...). This OLS tells me this: real rates here didnt rise above what the historical correlations suggest. If anything, it could still tick a bit higher...

Now, will i become as famous as AFP?

4 comentários:

  1. O Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics tá entre as principais do Capes (A1). Como ela tá nas listagens internacionais ?

    1. como ele tá nos rankings internacionais sérios ?

  2. Uma entrevista curta com o Ricardo Reis:

  3. Outro dia o Oreiro regressed duas identidades contábeis.. que bellezzaaa
