domingo, 19 de maio de 2013

FK in "Big State" (page B.8) and overshooting (wonkish)

FK said to reporters the exchange rate will go to 2,80 before coming back to 2,40. Since he is in touch with Delfos, I will buy some greens.

He mentioned overshooting. What causes this strange phenomenon?

Sticky prices.

Govt increases M;

P does not move immediately but begins to rise slowly;

Due to the above M/P will decrease from t=0 levels; then interest  rates will rise all the way from extremely initial depressed levels until steady state.

The exchange rate has to appreciate during the trajectory; because interest is increasing, right?

But how to reconcile a more depreciated exchange rate in the new s.state with a dynamics in which the exchange rate appreciates until the new equilibtium??


ps. when he was young, i taught FK this.

3 comentários:

  1. Dornbusch's overshooting is pretty cool.

    Just a simple question: does studying advanced international trade end up paying off or do you regard it to be a dead field within economics?

  2. Wow, you did a Macgyver in the last dynamics... The dumb readers of The Big State will ever realize the magic, they have just taken such a smart advice and gone quickly to buy greens.
    FK, you have more power than the BCB to rock markets.

  3. Queria muito que o Antoninho voltasse a postar.
