something to relax, since it is Friday: Celso, you are a fag.
Now, please
help me out, Dr. X. I’ve listened from a gringo schmuck, who came here into my
office, that it is good to receive interest in Mexico because the reforms will
increase productivity and lower the neutral interest rate. I also remember some
weird Brazuca (who looked like a serial killer) saying that Brazil interest
rates are lower because productivity is now lower, due to Dilma’s “micromanagement”.
Who is
right? If productivity goes down the interest rate increases or decreases? I
don’t know shit about neutral interest rate. But I’m pretty sure that negative
productivity asks for more interests.
Antoninho, meu google apresenta defeito, e desconfio que o seu tb... pare imediatamente com esses textos em outra língua. Vc sabe muito bem que não falo italiano!
ResponderExcluirSalut, mon frère Antoninho
ResponderExcluirVotre seriel killer a tort cette fois, meme si je le considere un gamin très inteligent. Une productivité plus faible mène a des taux de interêt plus haut.
Le Mexique tire en avant avec ses reformes, autant que le Brésil fait de pas en derriere...c'est triste.
Ici, en Afrique, tout va bien.